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The Equine Dental Vet Price List

1 Horse - Includes routine sedation, oral examination & Inclusive treatments

1 Horse - Includes routine sedation, oral examination & Inclusive treatments £130 each
2-4 Horses- Includes routine sedation, oral examination and inclusive treatments £110 each
5-8 Horses - Includes routine sedation, oral examination and inclusive treatments. £100 each
9 Horses plus - Includes routine sedation, oral examination and inclusive treatments. £95 each
1 Horse/pony at the clinic- includes routine sedation, oral examination and inclusive treatments. £95 each

Clients must pay at the time of treatment.

If extra sedation is required to complete a routine procedure, this will be charged.

ALL visits to yards will  incur a mileage fee - pls call/text Melissa with stabling postcode for quote.


Other Prices

Wolf Tooth Extraction inc Local Anaesthetic (as prt of dental examination) £30/ tooth
Cheek tooth or Incisor extraction Pls contact Melissa for quotation
Diastema Widen Pls contact Melissa for quotation
Diastema Flush £35
Radiographs Pls contact Melissa for quotation
Fillings/ Infundibular restorations per lesion Contact Melissa for quotation
Sedation "top up" post exam eg. for clipping £35